Sunday, February 24, 2013

Children's Healthy Fun Fair

It’s that time of year again and you know what that means. The Children’s Healthy Fun Fair is coming up once again. On Saturday, March 2, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., lots of interested children, accompanied by their parents, will be making their way to the Ag Building on the Seward County Fairgrounds to join in the festivities. Each year the Fair offers fun activities, healthy snacks, great giveaways, and helpful information to attendees, all free of charge.

The event, which is geared for children from preschool to sixth grade, but open to all ages, focuses on the health and well-being of children through exhibits, activities, healthy snacks and lots of great information. It is open to the public with free admission.

The Children's Healthy Fun Fair started out in 2004 at the Liberal Memorial Library, but has grown so large over the years that it has moved to the Ag Building. The event has drawn over 30 participating agencies and 600-plus attendees.

Some of the activities have included fingerprinting with free fingerprint kits for parents to take home and complete for each of their children, basketball, bowling, X-box Kinect and Wii Fit.

All of these activities and information provided by the participants are intended to help the health and well-being of children not only physically, but to help them be aware of a healthy environmental surrounding as well.

Participants in the Children’s Healthy Fun Fair include: Seward County Health Dept., Southwest Guidance Center, PACT, SCCC/ATS Respiratory Therapy students, UMMAM, USD 480 preschool, Liberal Police Department, Liberal and Seward County Fire Departments, Liberal Parks & Rec, Saint Francis Community Services and many, many more.

For more information on the Children’s Healthy Fun Fair, you can contact the Library at (620) 626-0180.


The Library will be holding its monthly Recipe Swap on Monday, February 24 at 6:30 p.m. in the Cooper Clark room. Every month we’ll have a different topic or theme. This month we’ll be searching for a little green in our recipes as we look ahead and focus on a meal for St. Patrick’s Day. We’ll be sharing our favorite recipes from the Emerald Isle – Irish soda bread, corned beef and cabbage, Irish stew and many others.

And even if you don’t have an Irish recipe one or not really interested in that type of cuisine, that’s fine. Come on down anyway and meet people who want to share their passion with you – cooking. Hope to see you there!


And just a reminder, that we do have a Kindle Fire available for check out.
If you’ve always wanted to see what a tablet can do, here’s your chance to find out first hand. Here’s a great opportunity to check out the wonders of what a tablet can do. You can surf the web, read a book, watch a video and do so much more.

All you have to do is come down to the circulation desk and ask for the Kindle Fire. Borrowers have to be at least 18 years old and sign a borrowing agreement adhering to the Library’s policies and terms for the device. Once you’ve done all that, you’ve got 14 days to check out one of the coolest devices around. (And don’t forget, late fees do apply!)


For the latest events and happenings at the Library, check out our webpage at or visit our Facebook page at

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Descent into the library and browse for a book

Monday marks President’s day.  It’s a federal holiday in honor of George Washington, the first President of the United States.   He is often referred to as the Father of Our Country known for his love of the land and farming and not a proponent of war.  He was a distinguished general and commander in chief of the colonial armies in the American Revolution. 

In the 1950s a committee was set up to attempt a generic day with the purpose not to honor any particular President but to honor the office of the Presidency. That was stalled in the Senate Judiciary Committee. So the holiday celebrates George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, observes the community, and honors veterans and Purple Heart recipients.

The library has a couple of newer books on Washington including “Washington: a life" by Ron Chernow, “General George Washington: a military life” by Edward G. Lengel, and “Arguably: essays” by Christopher Hitchens.

Abraham Lincoln was the sixteenth President known for leading the country through the Civil War. He is famous for the Gettysburg Address.  The phrase “With malice toward none, with charity for all…” is inscribed on one wall of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. a phrase he used during his second inaugural address.

This week the library will be closed on Monday and on Tuesday, February 19 at noon Library and Lunch will be meeting for “Safe Haven” by Nicholas Sparks.  I haven’t finished the book yet so there might have been a bit of running the other night when a patron started chatting it up at the circulation desk in preparation of seeing the film that is currently out.

Book Chat will be meeting on Thursday, February 21 at 6:30 p.m.  Come and chat up the books you are reading, what you have read recently, and discover what books have come into the library.  If you haven’t read one in a while stop by anyway!

Recipe Swap will be meeting on Monday, February 25 at 6:30 p.m.  We had a wonderful turnout last month with dessert, soup, and entrĂ©e recipes shared.  For the next meeting, bring a pink, green, or pancake inspired recipe in honor of Valentine’s Day, St. Patty’s Day, or Pancake Day respectively.

For the latest library programming take a peek at the library website or grab a newsletter from the circulation desk. Stay tuned and connected through our social media pages. If you have any questions or suggestions about books or programs don't hesitate to ask. See you at the library this month!