Easter greetings to our readers! It's been a busy month at the library. The children's library finished up second grade tours this month. It's always a joy to have these young people visit the library and learn a bit about what we have to offer and how to find the things they need.
April also marked the celebration of National Library Week. Lots of fun things were offered to library patrons during the week of April 11. Some neat prizes were given away and some interesting programs took place. Thanks to everyone who took part.
On April 19, second graders in the school district gathered at the Rec Center for a program made possible by Liberal Parks & Rec, Natural Resource Conservation Service, Seward County Conservation District, and the library. Ken Lockwood of Eagle Valley Raptor Center of Cheney, Kansas, brought some of the birds in his care, including a spectacled owl, a Harris hawk, and a barn owl and presented a wonderful informative program.
Library staff were back at the Rec Center on April 20 for another installment of Snack Attack, a twice-monthly program that is a partnering of the library with K-State Research & Extension Service and Parks and Rec to teach youngsters about wise food choices and the importance of exercise.
The month will finish up with After School Club on Tuesday, the 26th. This month's book character is Nate the Great. This is the last time this group will meet this school year, so kids kindergarten through fourth grade, stop by at 4:00 and join us, no reservations are necessary.
April is Autism Awareness Month. The library has set up a book and information display near our circulation desk with the help of USD 480's Autism Intervention Team. They provided some fact sheets on autism and also a sheet featuring some of the signs to look for that can lead to early detection. In addition, their contact information is at the bottom of both information sheets, so additional questions can be answered using their expert knowledge.
Some of the materials the library has on hand on the subject include Autism Spectrum Disorders from A to Z by Barbara T. Doyle, M.S. and Emily Doyle Iland, B. A. This is an assessment and diagnosis manual. It begins by explaining the spectrum disorders and moves on to explain the assessment process, types of assessments and what they measure, and family support, among other things.
The Complete Guide to Asperger's Syndrome by Tony Attwood covers all aspects of this syndrome including strategies adults with Asperger's can use for securing successful employment.
Autism Is a World is a documentary DVD put out by CNN. It was nominated in 2004 for an Academy Award for Documentary Short Subject. It tells the story of Sue Rubin. "Autism Is a World takes the viewer on a journey into her mind, her daily world, and her life with autism."
An excellent book for siblings of autistic children is My Brother Charlie by Holly Robinson Peete and Ryan Elizabeth Peete. This fictionalized story is told from the viewpoint of Charlie's twin sister Callie. Since statistics reveal that 1 in 110 children are diagnosed with autism, this would be a good title to share with a child who has a classmate or acquaintance who is autistic.
Plans are underway at the library for our annual Summer Reading Program. Children in school should be bringing home informational sheets in the near future. Folks of all ages will want to plan to sign up beginning May 23. The theme for children is One World, Many Stories; for teens, it is You Are Here; and for adults, it is Novel Destinations. The program gets underway on May 31. Watch this column for more information in coming weeks. See you at Memorial Library!