September is National Library Card Sign Up month. What do you have in your wallet? A library card? You should! It gives you access to many services and books. The American Library Association releases a yearly “ways to use your library card” list. Let's explore some of the great ways you can use your library card and library services:
- Download an e-book. Your library is where you can get e-books and other digital content. Download now – ask your librarian how! Through 3M Cloud Library that is accessible on our website, check out the titles that are available for download.
- Not sure how to download an e-book on your new device? A librarian can show you how. Take a workshop on how to use your e-reader or other gadgets. Doreen, our tech usually hosts a workshop on e-readers every season.
- Use a computer to finish a school project. Over 62 percent of libraries report they are the only provider of free public computer and Internet access in their communities.
- Use free Wi-Fi. Almost 91 percent of public library outlets offer wireless Internet access.
- Learn the secrets of using the computer. Nancy, one of our circulation clerks teaches weekly computer classes in the morning.
- Learn check mate: attend a library game night. Casandra, our children’s librarian hosts chess on Mondays in September and we have Teen Gaming and Dungeons and Dragons monthly. Dungeons and Dragons will be held on Thursday, September 12 at 4 p.m. and Teen Gaming on Tuesday, September 24 at 4 p.m.
- Take the kids to a free movie or pick up a DVD to watch together at home... or get a movie for free from your library's website. There’s usually a movie night every month!
- Save money while spending quality time: plan a family afternoon at place that’s free - the library!
- Attend preschool story hour with your child. Story Fun is held on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays at 11:15 a.m. and Wednesdays at 9:30 a.m.
- Librarians are early literacy experts... The library is in our second round of Family Place workshops this month for children ages birth to five years. It’s a chance for parents to mingle and chat with each other and our weekly specialist. They’re held on Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. Also, we have a brand new AWE Early Literacy Station in the children’s area particularly geared for those two to eight. It’s a touch screen with lots of educational materials. The kids love it!
- ...that can put your child on the path to becoming a baby Einstein.
- Launch your future: Get free assistance with job searches, resume writing and interviewing tips...
- ...or become an entrepreneur. Learn how to write a business plan. Check out a book to do so!
- Get help with homework.
- Research your term paper.
- Explore new opportunities and research technical schools, community colleges and universities.
- Get ready for the SAT with online test-prep services. We have a lot of online resources!
- Check out your favorite graphic novel.
- Trek to another planet in a Sci-Fi novel.
- Talk mysteries with people who like mysteries, too, at a library book club. Library and Lunch meets every second Tuesday of the month at 12 p.m. and Book Chat meets every third Thursday of the month at 6:30 p.m.!
- Learn a new language with books or online language-learning software. Talk like a pirate, eh? Try out Mango Languages offered through the State Library of Kansas.
- Empower yourself. Check out a book on auto repair or learn how to change a flat tire.
- Borrow or download an audio book for your next road trip or commute.
- Find a new hobby. So many choices!
- Enjoy a concert. This fall we're excited to have events with the Swingin’ Jazz Band, Bell Choir, and the Redskin Singers.
- Enroll your child in a summer reading program.
- Learn new knitting techniques and get new patterns. Lots of books in the library collection on this one plus we’re clicking away every other Saturday this month for the Click for Babies campaign led by the Kansas Children's Service League. We’ll be having Knit In’s on Saturday, September 7 and September 21 at 9 a.m.
- Join your Friends group. The library will be aiming to bring back our Friends group this fall at a special Kansas Humanities Council speaker event in October at an off-site location. Interested? Let us know!
- Take a cooking class. We don’t have cooking classes yet; we do have the next best thing: Recipe Swap every last Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m. where we do have noodle demonstrations and all around fun.
- Find a quiet spot, curl up with a good book and enjoy.
For the latest library programming take a peek at the library website or grab a newsletter from the circulation desk. Stay tuned and connected through our social media pages. If you have any questions or suggestions about books or programs don’t hesitate to ask. See you at the library this month!