Sunday, February 19, 2012

Children's Healthy Fun Fair Coming Soon

Greetings readers! Hopefully by now the logo which appears with this column has become familiar to many residents of this community. It means that the Children’s Healthy Fun Fair is coming up once again. On Saturday, March 3, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., lots of interested children, accompanied by their parents, will be making their way to the Ag Building on the Seward County Fairgrounds to join in the festivities. Each year the fair offers fun activities, healthy snacks, great giveaways, and helpful information to attendees, all free of charge.

A number of agencies will be in attendance this year including Southwest Medical Center, Southwest Guidance Center, PACT, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Head Start, Smart Start, UMMAM, USD 480 preschool, Liberal Police Department, Liberal and Seward County Fire Departments, Liberal Parks & Rec, and many, many more. A must-visit area at the fair includes fingerprinting by the police department with fingerprint kits for parents to take home and record pertinent information about each of their children. Another fun stop will be the Seward County Community College Respiratory Therapy area which will include a respiring pig lung. Come watch it ‘breathe’. Parks & Rec has a brand new X-box Connect which they will have at the fair. This is a game that does not require controls. It goes by the movement of the kids who are playing. Some of the games that go with it require a lot of physical movement, so it is good for kids to burn off excess energy. The library will invite kids to exercise as well with their Wii Fit. For the younger ones, there will be an opportunity to do a simple craft project connected to our upcoming Summer Reading Program. Seward County Health and USD 480 preschool always have lots of neat activities going on at their booths. It’s a good idea to just start at one end of the fair and work your way all the way around to everyone so that you don’t miss a thing!

This year’s fair will feature the Sure Sight Vision Screener, which will be manned by a trained Lions Club International member from the eastern side of the state. This is a valuable vision screening tool which provides non-invasive screening to check preschoolers for early visual problems. It allows for vision screening without feedback from the child who is being screened, meaning it can be used even with smaller children. Make sure that you stop by and check it out. In addition to this machine being available at the Children’s Healthy Fun Fair, the library will host a special storytime beginning at 3:45 on Friday, March 2. Following the storytime, parents will have an opportunity to have their screened. This is a really good opportunity for families who might not be able to attend the fair.

There is truly a lot of excitement about the fun fair and the potential it has to inform and educate the public in a really fun way. Since the Home Show will be going on in the Event Center, families can easily take in both events since they are in such close proximity to one another.

In closing, mention should be made about the library’s Valentine promotion which took place from February 1 to February 14. Patrons were asked to share what book they loved by writing it on a heart. They were then entered into a drawing for some sweet prizes. Winners of those prizes included:
Boxes of chocolate: Carolyn L. and Lynn S.; Plush Puppy: Wendy D.; Plush Monkey: Micayla L.; and Plush Penguin: Angelica M. Winners, be sure to stop by and pick up your prizes, if you have not already done so. National Library Week is coming up in April. Come on in check out the exciting things that will be going on then. See you at Memorial Library!

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