Sunday, June 2, 2013

Summer reading …it’s not just for kids!

It’s that time of year again… summer reading! Sign up has been steadily moving along as kids, teens, and adults are embarking on the adventures of reading through the hot sweltering days ahead. The children and teen programs run through the end of June and the adult program runs through July. There are many activities and drawings involved for all age groups in the next few weeks.

The theme of adult summer reading is "Groundbreaking Reads". For chances to win t-shirts and other prizes, adults must fill out a line on a Bingo sheet and enter into a drawing to be held the first week in August. It’s a chance for adults to get out of their comfort zone and read books in categories such as classic fiction, spy novels, biographies, historical fiction, science fiction, westerns, romance, fantasy, Kansas authors, short stories, favorite books from childhood, etc. If left to my own devices, mysteries and biographies would be the only genres I’d read.

The first event on the adult summer reading agenda will be a Social on Tuesday, June 4 at 6:30 p.m. It’s a chance for adults who are participating in the program to get together and kick start the program. Library and Lunch will be held on Tuesday, June 11 at noon. The book "Where’d You Go, Bernadette" by Maria Semple will be discussed. Gardening Club will be meeting on Tuesday, June 18 at 6:30 p.m. for Some Like It Hot to discuss growing vegetables particularly peppers and other spicy items. Book Chat will meet on Thursday, June 20 at 6:30 p.m., a social get together to discuss what books we are currently reading and seeing who may or may not have gotten a Bingo on their sheets. Recipe Swap on Monday, June 24 at 6:30 p.m. will continue the theme of Some Like It Hot. Bring a copy of a recipe (and the recipe if you’re so inclined!) that is hot and spicy.

The conclusion of Groundbreaking Reads this year will once again be a Murder Mystery. The date is yet to be announced. To be eligible, participants in the summer reading program must have earned at least one Bingo.

The teen summer reading program theme is "Beneath the Surface". Teens set a goal of how many hours they plan on reading during the program's five weeks. If they reach their goal, they are eligible to win a t-shirt and those who read 35 or more hours have the opportunity to join in on the High Readers Party at the end of the program.

Beneath the Surface activities will include Zumba with Lydia Augustine, Wild hairstyles with Sheila Schieb and SCCC students, Soil tunnel, a tunnel tour with Lydia Hook-Gray, Life in a Cup of Dirt with Dr. Patrick Ross, Dungeons and Dragons with Brad Kearn, Dig it with J & R Sand, Tai Chi with Terri Barnes, Mad Science, Yoga with Alli Lyons, Learn to Juggle, and the end of the summer reading Ice Cream Party in August! These are the events in store for teens at the library this summer. For dates and times, check out our website or grab a calendar from the circulation desk.

For both adults and teens, if you prefer to read at home instead of joining in on library activities that’s fine as well! We’d still love to see you signed up this summer and participating in the capacity that you are able.

So pick up a summer reading packet and sign-up sheets this month and grab a newsletter at the circulation desk. Stay tuned and connected through our social media pages. If you have any questions or suggestions don’t hesitate to ask. Hope to see you at the library this summer!

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