Sunday, August 11, 2013

Catch a library program before the summer’s over!

The summer reading programs have wrapped up for the year. It was an astounding success! The adult program finished a week ago and we’re in the beginning stages of planning a Murder Mystery for the lucky individuals who received bingo's on their bingo cards.

Library staff has so far been out in the community twice this month.  First at the Five State Fair where we met a lot of patrons and non-patrons, a nice opportunity to showcase our services and secondly at  the Teacher Fair this past week welcoming the new teachers at USD 480 into the community.   We’ve been particularly excited over the fact that many new teachers have already stopped by the library to sign up for library cards before the fair!  It establishes a great connection for us particularly when they have projects and assignments for the kids throughout the school year. We love being prepared for requests from the kids particularly if we can get more materials into the library. We are most definitely here to provide extra resources!  I even have had the chance to get to know one of my new neighbors, a new fourth grade teacher. 

This week, kids (and adults alike) had a chance to learn about bike repair.  We had a few bikes that kids brought in and were shown how to fix all the ailments of their bicycles by Mr. Ed.  Some of us may also have learned how to pump bicycle tires.

Ms. Casandra, our children’s librarian, has a few programs in the works this month before the start of school.  There will be a program “Back-to-School with Amelia Bedelia” celebrating her 50th birthday this year. It’s a back to school event with crafts, fun, and stories, on Tuesday, August 13 at 6 p.m. Registration is required so call the library at 626-0180.  There will also be “Camping at the library” on Wednesday, August 14 at 2 p.m.  Come set up a tent, learn about camping, and tell scary stories.  Join the camp out!  Ms. Casandra will also be hosting Chess on Thursdays, August 15 at 2 p.m., Monday, August 19 at 6 p.m., and Monday, August 26 at 6 p.m.  Come beginners and advanced players!

And of course our much awaited adult programs!  Library and Lunch will be held on Tuesday, August 13 at noon for “Ladies Night” by Mary Kay Andrews.  Last month, we decided an end of the summer book was in order.  The novel follows Grace Stanton who finds herself locked out of her home, checking account, and her beloved blog after she catches her husband cheating and torpedoes his pricey sports car.  She starts attending court-mandated weekly therapy session with three other women and one man.  Their “divorce coach” starts acting suspiciously and they decide to start their own Wednesday “Ladies’ Night” sessions.  

The theme for this month’s Recipe Swap on Monday, August 26 at 6:30 p.m. is noodles!  My favorite food group in the form of homemade chicken noodle soup which my aunt made when my sister and I were growing up or lo-mein by far the best comfort food or my attempts at pierogi (they’re so noodley!) for which after years of experimenting I have found the perfect dough recipe.  Next on my personal list is tortellini.  In the meantime at this Recipe Swap, Mr. Tian will be demonstrating noodle-making at the library.  One of these days he will teach me how to make his Chinese dumplings.

So for the latest library programming take a peek at the library website or grab a newsletter from the circulation desk. Stay tuned and connected through our social media pages.  If you have any questions or suggestions about books or programs don’t hesitate to ask.  See you at the library this month!

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